First i have to say that i think its easier with my own form.
IGN : Niju
Key: Mannaquire
Time Zone: GMT/UTC + 01:00 hour
Location: Norway
- Admin on a Website ( i know, non Byond, an anime site.)
- I am a lvl 2 GM at Naruto Fallen Vengence.
- I am a Lv. 2 Gm at Bleach Hand Of Destiny.
- I am a lvl 2 GM at Bleach Dirge of Chaos
What skills do you have?
- My ability to keep talking no matter who they are.
- Making Signatures
- Hosting
Time i will be most likely on : Mostly After 14:00 pm and then its like, random.
How long im on: Basically, im on around 2,3,4 hours, if im not hanging around with friends, on a trip etc.
What would you're personality be like?
- I am basically a guy that can joke around, I like to joke but when matters come down to it and there are people breaking rules. I enjoy hanging out on Online games and meeting people on them.
What is your most standout feature?
I tell people up front, I will not tell a lie to you, I will be truthful and I am.
How i help people:
How i help people, Thats a Serious thing. This is how i help them. At the first, i would probably say that "could you please stop" and not like others do this: " Hey , You! Stop that or kick!" When they probably dont know even what they are doing wrong. i would tell them in details